Interview with Christine Cissy White

Heal Write Now!
- How Writing Alleviates Toxic Stress
- Truth-Telling as a Path to Personal Power
- Bearing Witness via Writing to Transform and Heal Trauma
Christine Cissy’s Bio: Christine Cissy White is a writer, mother, health activist and trauma survivor. She manages the Parenting with ACEs Group on the ACEs Connection. ACEs = Adverse Childhood Experiences. She founded Heal Write Now in 2014 hoping to be the woman she needed her whole life – a public person openly living, loving and parenting with PTSD. She leads Parenting with PTSD & ACEs workshops for trauma survivors and treatment providers. She’s co-founder of the #FacesOfPTSD campaign. She credits the unconditional love of pets and the open page with helping her survive childhood and traumatic stress. She believes writing is a portable and affordable tool available to and beneficial to most everyone. Her survivor-led advocacy has been written about in the Atlantic, Huffington Post, and The Mighty. She believes any trauma-informed initiative must be informed by trauma survivors to be effective. White’s writing can be found in The Boston Globe, Ms. Magazine, To Write Love on Her Arms, The Mighty, Spirituality & Health, ACEs Connection, Elephant Journal, ACEs Too High and at Heal Write Now.